AEON’s Light of Love for the orang asli in cameron highlands.

Forty families received lights after decades of living in darkness

Kuala Lumpur, 13 April 2017 – Malaysian AEON Foundation (MAF), the charity arm of AEON CO. (M) BHD lit up the lives of the ‘Orang Asli’ in Kampung Rako Baru, Cameron Highlands by installing solar panel lights, an initiative worth RM 100,000 to provide better living conditions.

“As the first retailer to have its own charity foundation, we have always been active in our social efforts. Today for the first time we approached the Orang Asli settlement to provide them with electricity using solar panel technology which can last for two years,” said Dato’ Abdullah Mohd Yusof, President of the Malaysian AEON Foundation.

The “Lights up Life” project was conducted over a period of two days. On the first day, 38 volunteers from AEON CO. (M) BHD, AEON Credit Service (M) Bhd and university students gathered to build 60 sets of solar panel lights from scratch under the guidance of experienced engineers.

On the second day, the volunteers depart to Kampung Rako Baru bringing with them the completed solar panels. Venturing deep into the jungle, the volunteers entered the village with 4-wheel drive vehicles, crossing rivers. The volunteer successfully installed the solar panels, which lit the entire village at nightfall. AEON also distributed grocery bags consisting of daily necessities to all the families in the village.

Dato’ Abdullah Mohd Yusof added, “ By powering the entire village, the solar panels has equipped the Orang Asli with a sustainable source of energy, when previously they had to rely on campfires, generators and candles. It also creates a safer environment especially for the children when playing at night and students now will have a better access to education with the help of the solar panel lights. “

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